Whoops! I ran out of steam and my dad carried me home as darkness descended. Wow was it dark!
What a night! The nice lady who gives Highlights Magazines was at it again and oh yes, there was candy too! Break me off a piece of that Kit Kat Bar!
Chronicling the adventures of early parenthood in a foreign (but still American!) land...
Whoops! I ran out of steam and my dad carried me home as darkness descended. Wow was it dark!
What a night! The nice lady who gives Highlights Magazines was at it again and oh yes, there was candy too! Break me off a piece of that Kit Kat Bar!
Here my dad tries to show me that there is nothing scary in the pumpkin. Alas, I only have eyes for my beautiful mom who is taking pictures!
Finally the pumpkins were emptied and carved. M drew the faces and then dad cut the pumpkins. Below M is pictured with her creations. It was too cold for me to make an appearence. Oh well!
The park also had a giant inflatable Snoopy where you could moon bounce in his stomach. Several times throughout the day I would get to this point and then turn around and refuse to go inside. My brother, JC, quickly tired of my fake-outs with the Snoopy moon bounce and went to sleep. My parents, however, were gullible until the end of the day.
My all time favorite ride, however, was the Rocky Road Truck Company. I got to drive a truck while my mom operated the truck horn. It was fantastically loud and all the ride operators whose shift ended while I was there (over an hour) left looking dazed.
The park closed at 530 and I was driving my truck up until the final bell. Knott's was a lot of fun! Thanks California Grandma and Grandpa.
My little brother and Mom both made it down to the Santa Monica pier, too.
My dad was tired from the long flight so he laid down to take a nap. Little did he know it was a bed of nails. For the rest of the trip he complained about his 500 minature band-aids used to stop the bleeding. What a wimp!
The grown-ups weren't the only ones to have fun. Oh look! Here is a picture of me with Grandma Nita. I am drawing a map on how to get to dinner at Inn-N-Out burger.
Finally, my brother tagged along too. Here he sits up all by himself* on a Protoceratops!
After the science center we then went to Downtown Disney. Astute readers will notice what Grandma Nita noticed--We only attended places that started with the letter D. We were playing Scattegories without even knowing it! Check back tomorrow for our week late Friday adventure.
*An outright lie