Come one, come all. We welcome visitors free of charge as their body heat will help offset our heating bill! Our magnificent weather for the upcoming weekend looks like:

Who else thinks -6 isn't fair? M is raring to go though, despite the forecast. She gleefully puts on last year's winter clothes! What? The boots don't fit? Newspapers and rags will do then!

Her outdoor adventure lasted several...minutes. Here she is at her happiest catching snow flakes on the hood of the car.
When she was done she asked to be carried inside. She's catastrophically afraid of even setting foot in the stuff --- but that's mostly because of the newspaper and rags!
Is that a typo? Did that say -6 degrees? Oh, M and J will you give Gram a hug to keep warm?
Neither cold nor snow will stop a Grandma on her appointed rounds!
Good Grief!!!! Your eyelashes will freeze and break off in those kind of temps!
Whoa...I guess I should quit complaining about Georgia being to muggy. What a whiner I am.
I thought we had it bad, but it turns out you win! Or do you lose? It's a thin line...
Those freezing Ohio winters! We will always remember M and A's snow experience from last year--Alyssa still talks about it (reminded frequently by the classic photo in her bedroom.) Come visit warm Texas!
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