My brother, Clyde, for those who care, was there too. He stayed dry.
As the evening approached we headed back to the car. Here you can see me carrying my monkey (named Boots in honor of Dora's friend) in her condo back home...
Chronicling the adventures of early parenthood in a foreign (but still American!) land...
My brother, Clyde, for those who care, was there too. He stayed dry.
As the evening approached we headed back to the car. Here you can see me carrying my monkey (named Boots in honor of Dora's friend) in her condo back home...
The dream about slushies was so exciting that I slept through the visit to Aunt J and Uncle J's newly founded National Yorkie Poo Reserve in Radford, VA. While I was sleeping, my sister M learned about trampolines. It was originally purchased as exercise equipment for the doggies but M and S quickly found that other species could use it too.
I slept through the whole trampoline adventure---and the video seems unclear---what word is M repeating over and over?
Here I show that I can laugh as well...
And it was successful!
I chose green to start off with because it is the color of vegetables.
But they certainly don't taste like vegetables!
Here is a picture of me with all the presents I received for using the balloon-alien-being's space knowledge to save the world.
It turned out to be an exciting birthday! Thanks to everyone for making it special!
I also received several brain teasers. This particular one was "some assembly required". A balloon-alien-friend sat in the background giving pointers, but to no avail!
Another brain teaser came from another Grandma in Virginia. This one left me stumped!
I also received a musical card from some long-time readers from Virginia---they know me pretty well!
Finally, I also received jewelry and new outerwear. The jewelry from an aunt in Virginia. The outerwear (don't mean to namedrop) obviously came from Ralph Lauren (his mark was all over it).
The last present, however, came from the President! Read about it in the concluding part of my birthday story!!
What will M do? Will she profit from balloon beings? Find out next time...
Egged on by the crowd cheering "M! M! M!" I entered the tunnel heading to the space ship on a journey of exploration.
I am so scared right now.
Oh bother. What have I gotten myself into? Stuck in a space ship and on my birthday no less. Stick with me readers or I will get lonely. Do I make my escape? Do I have a party?