Chronicling the adventures of early parenthood in a foreign (but still American!) land...
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Feeling Zooper
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Evening with Dad
Beware! New Mexico is coming in only 3 and a half weeks as evidenced by the shot above!
Monday, April 14, 2008
They sell furniture at Ikea?
No need to sail, Ikea has opened shop in the state of Ohio and so the whole family drove down to West Chester. Once there - to my chagrin - we headed for the cafeteria. My dad proudly displays his meatballs. I sure hope he knows they sell furniture.
Lately, I had been getting a strained neck from working on my lap top at the adult table. A trip to Ikea would provide an excellent chance of finding an inexpensive table and chair set built for my height.
After his ninth plate of meatballs and his fifteenth glass of Lingonberry Soda, I was unsure if my dad planned on exploring anything but the cafeteria. I tried my best to stay positive, however, my dad's eating has left me without an appetite as seen in this picture.
Well the trip didn't turn out as expected. We spent the entire afternoon in the cafeteria and when we got home all I had managed to grab was this bag of utensils. I glumly look them over as I change into my pajamas for bed.
The next morning after going to church, I noticed something new in a part of our living room. It was Latt - my new Swedish friend. Unbeknownst to me, my dad ate enough meatballs to qualify for their Vanlig Matsmältningbesvär (Frequent Indigestion) club. The club's membership came with a free gift. My dad had chosen the Latt table and chair set for me. What a nice dad!
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Tunak Tunak Tun
One day during teething my dad came home and heard the familiar beat. His heart had also been stolen by Mehndi's eloquent, lyrical poetry at some time in the past and grooving soon commenced. In related news, I had been inspired by seeing the movie "Girls Just Want to Fun" with a young Helen Hunt and had been conducting dance-offs with my dad. The winner would get a handful of Cookie Crisp. My dad had won three dance-offs in a row and I was getting suspicious. Before he got started in this one, I patted him down to make sure he wasn't using any illegal enhancers in his legs!
You can never be too careful with Cookie Crisp at stake!
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Easter Part III: Egg Hunt!!
Thinking I saw the Easter bunny, I dropped my bucket and began the chase!
I cornered him behind the bush.
But right before I took his picture my mom called me over for a group photo! What terrible luck!
By the time the group photo had ended, the Easter Bunny had made his escape.
Oh well...
And someday we'll find him,The Easter bunny,
My daddy, my duck basket, and meeee!