Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Beginning of July

With the advent of July comes the mid-summer Holiday of Independence Day. This is my second July 4th holiday with the last one spent in the cradle of American Government - Williamsburg, VA. This year, I am in Ohio. Well they can still throw a parade can't they? Here I am looking at classic cars from our perch.

M made off with a large helping of candy which she is still currently eating much to both my parents and my chagrin. I wish my teeth would come in!

After the swell holiday, we drove down to Appalachia to visit Uncle J, Aunt J, F, G, and S. Friends of theirs generously allowed us to stop by their privte backyard swim club. Look at me motor through the water!

Ugh! Too much exertion! Water, please.

My sister swam a bit too!
Next time, Cousin G's birthday from the view of M!


Lauren in GA said...

My favorite picture is the one on the green float. Exhaustion never looked so cute.

Sarah said...

Hey guys,

We're missing you in Memphis. Can we talk you into coming for Thanksgiving? We'd give you a much better time than Blacksburg would.