Chronicling the adventures of early parenthood in a foreign (but still American!) land...
Sunday, June 15, 2008
One month check-up
I'm a month old as of Saturday. You know what that's time for my stats from my one month appointment. From this shot, you can see that the cheeks are back! 9 lbs 3 oz is my new weight. How did I gain so much weight? Lots of sleeping and eating. In other news, I am officially a fan of the pacifier. Below you can see me maintain my grip even while dreaming about the next meal.
Jasper, you are looking cuter than ever. Love those cheeks,but I was disappointed not to see a better picture of your legs. Aunt J and I think you have the cutest legs ever. Lots of love to big sis M. Grandma C
Jasper, you are looking cuter than ever. Love those cheeks,but I was disappointed not to see a better picture of your legs. Aunt J and I think you have the cutest legs ever. Lots of love to big sis M.
Grandma C
Yay--we love the pacifer. We are so excited to meet J--and then pass him back when he poops or cries.
Those cheeks are so fabulous!!
Glad to hear he is thriving :)
Dreaming of your next meal--JC and J.R. would get along so well!
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