Sunday, June 15, 2008

One month check-up

I'm a month old as of Saturday. You know what that's time for my stats from my one month appointment. From this shot, you can see that the cheeks are back!

9 lbs 3 oz is my new weight. How did I gain so much weight? Lots of sleeping and eating. In other news, I am officially a fan of the pacifier. Below you can see me maintain my grip even while dreaming about the next meal.


Anonymous said...

Jasper, you are looking cuter than ever. Love those cheeks,but I was disappointed not to see a better picture of your legs. Aunt J and I think you have the cutest legs ever. Lots of love to big sis M.
Grandma C

Jaime said...

Yay--we love the pacifer. We are so excited to meet J--and then pass him back when he poops or cries.

Lauren in GA said...

Those cheeks are so fabulous!!

Glad to hear he is thriving :)

J.R. and Meg +3 said...

Dreaming of your next meal--JC and J.R. would get along so well!