Apparently, the Easter bunny here in Ohio just doesn't leave treats for me. Look at the amazing table setting he left.
Chronicling the adventures of early parenthood in a foreign (but still American!) land...
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Part II...Easter Sunday -- Morning before the Hunt!
Apparently, the Easter bunny here in Ohio just doesn't leave treats for me. Look at the amazing table setting he left.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Easter Eve --- Dyeing the Eggs!
The first egg that I was given, I immediately hit against the table causing shell rupture. Whoops! No candy inside! Then I realized that all the eggs with candy were pink or purple or green or yellow. Thinking quickly and seeing the various hues in front of me, I called for the red. Time to fill this egg with candy!
After waiting for a while, Mom pulled the egg out. The egg had changed color! Ha HA! Feeling awfully smart I said that the egg would soon be full of Reese's Chocolate Peanut Butter Eggs. "Who needs the Easter Bunny" I asked to no one in particular and then flashed my best Bunny Grin at the camera.
Did she create her own candy filled eggs? Does M need the Easter Bunny?
To be continued....
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Serene Celine
A while back, my dad claimed he could sing like Celine Dion. After his rendition, he then played the official version for me to compare. This is my reaction.
Later in the day, I was still laughing much to the chagrin of dad.
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Spring Break VCU Style!
After arriving, Uncle R who is working on his PhD in American History, immediatly piled us in the car and drove to the Ohio State Capitol (despite being his spring break). He was eager to see this historic landmark, and, he was also very afraid that we might take him to Schmitt's Sausage House again unless he came up with something else. Here my Uncle R and I are pictured sitting on a couch that is very similar to a couch we grew up with.
The Ohio State Capitol offers free tours and allowed access into the Senate and House of Reps. Pictured below is our family with the Speaker of the House centered in the background. I, however, was distracted by the person sitting two rows back who was munching on a Ding Dong.
After fulfilling Uncle R's need for history, we went back home where his girlfriend, K, and me got to hang out.
As is the case with everyone, I have my favorite books which I read more frequently than other books. At the top of my current list is "Hop on Pop". That book never gets old, even if it's been read about 30 times (according to K).
I eat pretty much all the time, and after feeding me for a little over two hours my Uncle R became fatigued.
With his yogurt feeding arm too tired to continue (he claims it is due to tennis elbow from the Wii), he just gave me another one of his donuts.
My dad, however, upon realizing that this was the last donut left, quickly tried to trade me K's cell phone for the donut. Although tempted, I asked my wise Aunt JKC for advice who said, "Long after the battery dies on a cell phone, you will still be able to lick the glaze off your own face." I kept the donut.
Eventually, my Uncle R has to leave me to head back to Richmond. After the whirlwind visit, I was left like this in the middle of the floor. Come back soon (with donuts preferrably)!!
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Just how much snow did we get? If you have ever visited, the picture below might help. It is the view out of our back door.
Unaware of the canceled flight, I stepped outside to head to the airport. Surprisingly, I could not overcome the snowdrifts to get to the car.
My uncle R, though, is highly resourceful as evidenced in this picture here where he hid his identity to avoid being pictured with this guy!
In other words, my uncle R made it here anyway. He brought both his girlfriend AND donuts. What a great uncle (even if he does stare at people a little too hard).
Saturday, March 8, 2008
One is the loneliest number!
Upon leaving Jeni's, cruel February returned in the form of a snow storm. The snow poured and poured as the intrepid M headed for home.
Despite the irony of seeking out ice cream when outside it looked like this, M was not laughing. Oh! The temporary company from B could not staunch my loneliness!
After the feeding and the pep talk, Grandma and Aunt J took her to COSI for some exercise. Unable to talk, she responds below to her Aunt J when asked how things were looking now after their visit.