Oh snap! It plays music!
In addition to receiving great cards from my relatives in Florida, I have also been reading the Boy Scout Handbook which my dad just picked up. In an effort to be more prepared, I now wear both my bib and my sun hat even when I am not eating or sitting outside.
Despite trying to "be prepared", nothing could prepare me for the Orioles giving up 11 runs in the seventh at home against the Devil Rays. However, Brian Roberts is still a cutie - I hope he likes tall women because I'm set to pass him with my next growth spurt.
After reading the section in the Boy Scout handbook entitled, "What to do in case of an earthquake", I was well-prepared when my dad fell down the stairs causing a small tremor. My mom took this picture instead of helping my dad.
You can never be too prepared . . . great post. Sorry about the stairs incident! I'm loving the swing already, thanks again.
Sorry John, but it is AkEla, not AkIla...you know, now that we are "scouters" here, we take this stuff pretty seriously.
And HB to our sweet bebe! (now that we have been to Paris, we are pretty much speaking french all the time!)
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