Then, who should show up? Brer Rabbit! He told me a funny story and I laughed as seen below.
Chronicling the adventures of early parenthood in a foreign (but still American!) land...
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Raspberry Picking
Then, who should show up? Brer Rabbit! He told me a funny story and I laughed as seen below.
More Birthday and Walking the Path of Akila
Oh snap! It plays music!
In addition to receiving great cards from my relatives in Florida, I have also been reading the Boy Scout Handbook which my dad just picked up. In an effort to be more prepared, I now wear both my bib and my sun hat even when I am not eating or sitting outside.
Despite trying to "be prepared", nothing could prepare me for the Orioles giving up 11 runs in the seventh at home against the Devil Rays. However, Brian Roberts is still a cutie - I hope he likes tall women because I'm set to pass him with my next growth spurt.
After reading the section in the Boy Scout handbook entitled, "What to do in case of an earthquake", I was well-prepared when my dad fell down the stairs causing a small tremor. My mom took this picture instead of helping my dad.
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Early Birthday Party
Monday, August 20, 2007
Friday, August 17, 2007
B's Tiny Twin
For those of you who know B you know that the bandanna is her favorite accessory and her Saturday morning special. M has obviously noticed and thought wearing it was hilarious.
Sunday, August 12, 2007
With my new ability to climb things comes a new responsibility. I must constantly prove that nothing in the house is safe. Here, a cup with ice and water has been placed on the opposite side of the table from me. Using ingenuity picked up from watching "Monk" on USA, I solved the problem by using a box and knocking the water over.
Well my birthday is coming up. When you turn sixteen you can drive. When you turn 55 you can save 15% off general merchandise excluding grocieries on Tuesdays at Meijer. And, finally, when you turn one, they let you look forwards when you are being driven around. I must say it's hard to feel like you are being chaffeured when you are facing the rear of the car. My grandparents bought me this sweet chair for my upcoming birthday and I'm already breaking it in for the front facing car rides that will soon come. I've been listening a lot to Destiny's Child "Independent" and decided it was time to throw my hands up at them. So I got in my floaty and floated parents-free in the pool for the first time. It was a proud moment for my parents, me, and the song writer for Destiny's Child!
Saturday, August 11, 2007
What Have I Been Up To?
Then my Grandma and Aunt J came to visit me. We went to a baseball game. Larry Bigbie played for the other team and had the winning hit. It has been a tough year for the Orioles. But it was an even tougher year for Fruity Poofs manufacturers trying to keep up with M's eating.
We also visited Schmitt's Sausage House in German Village. It is on the historical registry of historic registered places. My dad said it wasn't on the list for their knockwurst.
I also got to go to the Franklin Park conservatory. Here my mom has told me that I don't have to worry about being bombed from above because their were no birds. This made me feel better so I could concentrate on more important things like eating.
Finally, we were able to visit Cancun, Mexico. Given my young age, the only exposure I had to Mexico was through the movies. Here I do my best to duplicate Steve Martin's famous pose from the hit movie "Three Amigos".