Monday, May 2, 2011

It's a Small Town After All!

So a little known fact - we live in a small town.  How small?  Much smaller than the one John Cougar Mellancamp grew up in, that's for sure.  Do you want to know what made our front page?  This did...

The sight was so stupendous, that my dad came home from work and told everyone to get in the car.  He said he had a surprise.  I thought that perhaps our grocery store had bananas for the first time this month.  My brother was positive that a herd of elk had stopped along our main street.  My mom was just frustrated that she had to get dressed.  In the end, we were all pleasantly surprised at this amazing view...

Later that night, my dad called the local handy man because this happened to our fence.  Do you know what they talked about for ten minutes.  Yes, the smashed car at Time Out for Pizza.

The next day, we went on an Easter egg hunt (see future post) and one of the dads was the collision repair guy for the area.  He stated that, yes, indeed, the car was to be fixed and driven again.  And that is the definition of a small town Mr. Mellencamp.


Jaime said...

Little diddy, bout los alamos, eh? where the heck did you guys move and when the heck are you movin back? you have officially lost the right to base on Radford ever, ever again.

Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed this post. I am glad to finally see pictures of the famous "White Rock car/tree incident of 2011" Of course this envent is not as famous or important as "the Super bowl baby of 2011" event.

Love, Aunt Julie
(a.k.a Aunt Ju-LA)

Lauren in GA said...

Whoa. That was fascinating.

I hate to tell you though...even the small town of Pulaski, Va. has your town beat in the, "excitement of destruction caused by nature" arena.