Saturday, March 24, 2012

Denver Delivers De Wedding!

Load up Minnie - We are taking a trip downhill to Denver! Unbelievably, this trip coincided with Denver's "Peyton Watch".  And, even more unbelievably, I, M, was consigned to the back seat again.  Kindergarten Star of the Week just doesn't mean what it used to mean...
Who was getting married?  B's cousin, that's who!  Here he is with his new bride...
And here is my family.  That's weird - my dad looks taller than my beautiful momma in this picture.  Must be his tie.
After the ceremony we went to the reception.  Everyone loved it.  SM is having a bad reaction to the dessert being taken away.
We dumped my dad at the airport and then the fun began!  After the wedding I got to read a book to my Great Grandma...

I got my hair braided by my two great Aunts - not Great Aunts!
We went to the mint.  The "D" on your quarter doesn't mean Delaware.  That place shouldn't even count as a state (and a majority of my readers agree!).
The mint probably would have been a metallurgist's dream.  Too bad my dad was in the Magic Kingdom.  We ate at a place called Casa Bonita.  It has to be better than La Isla Bonita, right?  Wrong!  Equally dreadful.  We supposedly paid for the entertainment.  Which consisted of my brother, JC, dancing...
We looked for my dad on the river as he said he was now on the Amazon.  But no luck.  As Belinda Carlisle once said, "Ooh Heaven is a Place on Earth".  We headed back uphill, towards Heaven, and the LOE.  What's next...probably making "Circles in the Sand" (2nd gratuitous Belinda reference).  Some things are forever, indeed!


Anonymous said...

What a beautiful bride! Looks like you all had a wonderful time especially Great Grandma.

Lauren in GA said...

I react the same exact way when dessert is taken away.

Sorry that you got relegated to the back seat. I is a crime that the Kindergarten star of the week had to be way in the back.