Sunday, September 18, 2011

Hidden Falls of Battleship Rock

I think that title sounds like the third movie in the National Treasure series.  If Nick Cage can keep the home invaders with fudgesicles away, the third one should be on its way soon. There is our target - a little over threescore furlongs (12 km) away.

How did we make it so far you might ask?  There is a reason orangutans give birth only once every eight years because alot of the "hiking" looked like this:

Baby SM rode the whole way like this.  Here is a picture with her beautiful momma less than 200 feet from the falls.
We made it!  SM asks can you hear the water falling?  You have to love the LOE when water like this becomes a landmark.  You can't make this stuff up - The historical marker said that this and McCauley Springs (17 kms away) provided the two primary bathing locations for the Jemez in the 1800s.

Don't you love it when the kids find out that they have to walk back?

 We sure had a great time.  We chased the hike away by eating an extra-large pizza at Dion's --- can you say mmmm- Bop?


Lauren in GA said...

I am always dismayed when I realize I have to hike back, too.

Not that I hike that often. I think the last time was in Virginia to the Cascades...and I think that was forced.

Anonymous said...

Love the hats! Hiking is great because you get to wear cool hats.

Anonymous said...

looks like fun, wish I could have gone with you! I am sure I could have carried one of the "orangutan babies"

Love, Aunt Ju-LA