It's that time of year again! Yes, M turned five and she did with much aplomb. This picture was snapped as the town bus drove along our road in the background!
The Beastie Boys once wrote, sang, and performed a song entitled "She's Crafty". They were obviously singing about my beautiful momma! With apologies to Hank Williams, Jr., look at the aprons she made since "All my Rowdy Friends Are Coming Over Tonight". (BTW she ran out of the letter A and I and had to buy more).
We got to decorate our aprons, our cupcakes, and our own individual pizzas. The pepperoni ran out when it reached JC. Big surprise.
But kudos to him for not dragging down my birthday party with any guy humor. Oh wait, he did do that!
After the eatin' came the openin'. The openin' of presents that is...
Later, came my family party. We asked Neville for a recommendation for a good restaurant. He suggested the Dubonnet. Imagine our disappointment when we got there and it turned out to be a supper club! Next time we'll ask Dorcas. In the end, we ate at Sonic. A truer restaurant, quite frankly, doesn't exist. Afterwards we opened family presents.
I got many presents, but this was the only one that gave me this face...
The greatest present, however, was saved for last. The late, great Alan Rickman (i.e. Alexander Dane in Galaxy Quest [ i.e. the only movie that's better than Unstoppable]) once said, "If you could build a house on a trampoline, that would suit me just fine." M concurs.
Thanks for all the presents!