Friday, August 20, 2010

Summer Update

School is out and board games can help pass the day.  Some people play the board game Risk for fun.  Risk is called the game of world domination.  I prefer to team up with my sister and play a game called my parents' bed domination.  We are undefeated so far....

Although the days are longer, some things get shorter.  Can you see what got shorter in this picture?

Yes! Our chair finally broke after six years of service.  The back leg split wide open.  Can you believe it?  Oh and I got a hair cut, too...
Am I going to miss my old hair?  My answer lies below...


Anonymous said...

Oh my little J, I will miss the curls.

Brittany said...

You and me both...I shed enough tears for everyone!

Nita said...

He looks so cute with his hair shorter, but it is a sad rite of passage to being an older boy! Don't blame you for crying. I can relate!

Lauren in GA said...

Awww, it's the end of an era. He looks so handsome with his big boy haircut, though.

Those piggies were pretty darling, though.

Anonymous said...

World domination? Is little J going to take over the world with his new haircut? Or is it just a little bit risky?


Aunt Goo-AH

Jaime said...

those pigtails are OUT of control. ps-never want to hear it from you about not cutting f's hair. ever.