Thursday, April 16, 2009

Visit from Grandma E

What fantastic luck! Grandma E was able to visit to start off our Easter season with a bang! But before all the excitement ensues, we spent some time cuddling and reading. Knowing my intense fear of bunnies, Grandma E shows me some pictures of peaceful, friendly rabbits in "My Big Animal Book".

After all that mental preperation, we bundled up the "other guy" and headed to the chocolate factory. You can see that despite the large pink bunny being tied down to the roof, I'm still a bit nervous about being so close to one...

My uneasyness increased as we entered the factory. When I saw this guy I lost all control and ran off crying. My little brother, JC, is not yet old enough to be catastrophically afraid of bunnies so he was able to be photographed with one. He'll learn by next year. Besides, one of my dad's three rules for a happy life is "to never trust anyone wearing a polka dotted, pink vest"!
Can anyone help me conquer my fear of bunnies? This was only the start of Easter season, and with more bunnies in my future, how will I ever survive?
Thanks for the visit Grandma E!


Jaime said...

so what clowns are to the world, bunnies are to Maya?

Lauren in GA said...

I love the picture of Grandma E and M reading.

You know...human sized (or larger) bunnies are kind of terrifying...with their beady eyes and enormous teeth...

Ava Nielson said...

We can't help ya here...that Easter bunny is one scary dude!