Monday, March 23, 2009

Springtime at the Zoo

What beautiful weather we have been having. So nice, that we decided to venture out of our house for the first time in several months on an epic journey to the zoo. Upon leaving the house, however, we discovered that I was too big for the car seat I received for my first birthday (see "What do you mean it's the wrong chair?" Sept. 9, 2007). My mom quickly remedied the situation. I am looking snazzy.

My brother JC, came along with us on a trip to the zoo. It was so sunny that this shot took several takes!
At the zoo we saw many different animals. My goal was to see a dinosaur and a giraffe. My dad showed me a dinosaur (a komodo dragon). In looking for a giraffe we passed this sting ray. Here you can see my brother is upset that he was turned away from the sting ray for photograph purposes.

Here is the only giraffe we were able to find. I asked him to do something and he ignored me. Why do giraffes have such big ears if they don't use them?

We had a wonderful time at the zoo and love this amazing weather. For those who need extra motivation to come and visit us, we can take you to the zoo for free all year. We obtained a zoo pass when my dad won the moose-calling contest while we were there.


Lauren in GA said...

M, you look so are practically a grown up!

Jack said...

Spiffy new seat there--and not pink. thank you. so when is the basement studio available for renters?

Ava Nielson said...

Cute new chair, M! You look so sweet in it!

Brittany said...

The basement is ready anytime!

Anonymous said...

Hey -

Upon closer inspection, that giraffe is made of metal! What kind of zoo is this?!?

I can say from personal experience the basement is quiet cozy.

Aunt Ju-LA

Katie G. said...

Were there any blow outs at this visit, consisting of several pairs of clothes? :) Hope not!